This is not the sculpture I promised, but I don’t see any problem with posting it now. Two dwarves (or dwarfs? why is the text editor highlighting this word?) hunt down, defeat and impale the creature that had been terrorizing the village… yeah… Well, to be honest, I didn’t have any background story in mind as I sculpted this diorama. The beast, however, is based on Richard Laymon’s work (you know… rapey, and beast). The unfinished forms sat on my desk for months since I dedicated every minute of my spare time to finish the last draft of Thief, which is being beta read at this moment. I’ve received some good feedback and soon I will give it the final touches before sending it to the editor.
I was a bit anxious to finish this sculpture, and I realize I still have to polish my technique (a lot, plus I also realize that the camera catches details my eyes can’t), but this is just about having fun and giving a body to my ideas. Anyway, enjoy the pictures and let me know what you think.
I’ll post the promised sculpture next, which is entitled “Woman vs. Cock.” I know how it sounds, but bear with me.