Hello everybody! It’s been a while since my last post. I’ve been busy writing my next novel, which I hope will be completed by mid-next year. And as I wrote, while imagining what the cover should look like, a scene popped up in my head. I knew I had to draw it and I did, then I thought, “why not sculpting it?” Everybody know how much I like statues, so, why not making one myself?
With this in mind, I started taking sculpting classes, but I dropped out after my third class, not liking the instructing method. From there, I turned to the greatest source of knowledge: Internet.
Anyway, let me show you what I did. I feel proud and satisfied, though I know there’s a lot of room for improvement and I need to hone my skills. The sculpture is made of oil clay (plastilina). If she was standing, the woman would be six inches tall. The hand is, well, a reproduction of my right hand. The chains came from a necklace.
Let me know your thoughts. As usual, you can reach me at [email protected]
By the way, I entitled this sculpture “Thief,” like my novel.